My beauties

My beauties
Playing at the Park

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

8 Things

So I decided that I am going to steal this idea from my friends blog that she has to get me going again. I haven't blogged in almost a year I think this is a good way to get myself going again. '

We shall see.

8 Things

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. Isaac calling to say he is on his way home
2. Family get togethers
3. My house being totally clean 
4. MNO with the girls
5. Getting my nails done
6. Anything feminine in this house
7. The New Moon Premiere
8.The weekend

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Unpacked some of my kitchen
2. Cleaned out the inside and outside of my washer and dryer
3. Sat on the floor and played with cars with my boys
4. Cooked Dinner
5. Read more of the True Blood Series
6. Chatted with a friend I haven't talked to in a while
7. Caught up on posts on Phoenix Mommies
8. Tried to spend more time with my husband when the kids were in bed. 

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1)Get my son to stop throwing fits
2)Get more time to practice my cake decorating skills.
3)Have 24 hours of noone bothering me (including my DH)
4)Go on Vacation to Italy to see where my famiy came from !
5)Go back to school
6)Get my house completely organized
7)Get a boob job (superficial I know)
8)Lounge on the beach ALONE!

8 Shows I Watch:
3)Law & Order SVU
4)Paula's Home Cooking
5)Anything Food Network Actually
6)The Bachelor (though not sure I will anymore)
7)ER (Sad that it is over but still re runs)
8)90210 (new and old)

1 comment:

Chrissy Thomas said...

I too would totally get a boob job. Call me vain, I don't care. lol