My beauties

My beauties
Playing at the Park

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Totally Different Kids

So I thought for a while, that my boys are different from one another. Totally different personalities. Totally different interests. They are just different kids. Well today that was confirmed...

I go out into the garage and the boys follow me out (as usual) ...see I can't even hide from them :)

So they follow me and out and proceed to sit on the chairs that are out there for them. 

All of a sudden Dylan squeals like a little girl...I mean full squeal and scream mixed. I ask him "What's wrong?"

His reply..."There is a cricket" (now mind you I am terrified of anything with more legs than me so he could have gotten this from me)

Tyler looks over at it and does what...chases it and trys to catch it all the while he is giggling non stop.

Totally different. 

I am in trouble...I can just feel it. 


Chrissy Thomas said...

teehee, I can totally see Dylan doing that! haha that is what makes it so funny.

Unknown said...

That is really funny, I hope they get along really well so Tyler doesn't play too many scary pranks on him.

Visiting from over at Chrissy's blog!