My beauties

My beauties
Playing at the Park

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Boring Little Tidbit

So I am not doing so hot on this 30 posts in 30 days so I figured I would post a little something now and then something later tonight.

Got up this morning. Cleaned a little bit. Went and got Tyler new shoes. He looks so damn cute in them too. Went out shopping with my mom last night and got Tyler new socks (exciting huh?) and Dylan some plain white t-shirts to match all his odd colored shorts (even more exciting there).

Mom and Dad are watching the boys tonight YAY as we are going to a DBacks game that hubby surprised me with. I am jazzed. A night out without the kids. Rare. Should be fun. Will post more later. Tootles and enjoy your Saturday

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Feelin Icky

Ok so I dropped the ball last night and didnt post a blog. My stomach seemed to have a mind of its own and decided that it didnt want to cooperate. So here I am today.

Not much going on . Isaac surprised me with D-Backs tickets for this Saturdays game. No biggie huh? Well he even lined up a sitter for the boys without being asked. I would say that is huge if you know Isaac.

Been a rough day. Feeling crappy so im not bloggin much. Matter of fact...I think it is about time for me to lay down.

More tomorrow...hopefully my stomach will feel better.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

30 Posts in 30 Days

Ok so I havent posted in a while, hell, who am I kidding it has been ages. So we found a house! YAY...still working on getting unpacked. Man I have alot of stuff. Tons more than I thought I could fit into our old 1600 sq ft house. Anyhow we are getting unpacked slowly but surely.

So my lovely mommy friends at PM have issued a 30 posts in 30 days challenge. Am I up for it? Hell ya! Can I accomplish it? We shall see. So this is my first of 30.

Been a long week already, went grocery shopping, and gonna go shopping for stuff for my house tomorrow with my cousin Michelle. I am jazzed. Shopping, for non food related items, without the kids and husband. WAHHHOOOO.

Anyhow gonna head back to PM see what is going on the boards. Try to help Chrissy up her post count and stay ahead of the game. That or go and read Twilight. OMG I love Edward Cullen. :) .. Havent read it yet? Then go get it and read it. It is pretty much consuming my life at the moment. So until tomorrow...goodnight. :)